Landing pages are a different breed of animal.  Think of your website like your trusty best friend, your pup. Always by your side through thick and thin. Reliable. Constant. Ready to greet anyone who visits with a slobbery wet grin and a tour of the whole house.  And your landing pages are like a cat. […]


September 6, 2022

Landing pages are a different breed of animal

Jean Tindle of Spirit Dancer Crystals and I have been busy behind the scenes these last few weeks working on her new vision for her brand! However, she needed a sales page up on her CURRENT website so she can start filling seats on the amazing trip to Ecuador she’s leading in March. She pulled […]

case studies

September 2, 2022

A new sales page for Jean Tindle

Your brand is more than your logo. It’s more than your colors and fonts. It’s more than your pretty pictures. It’s more than your website.  When all of the little design bits come together with your message that resonates to the CORE of those you help… that’s when magic happens. It’s almost like the design […]


September 1, 2022

What is a brand anyway?

in pursuit of magic image

Do your readers feel impressed when they read your homepage? Or do they feel more connected to you?  It’s a subtle – but important – difference. We all want to look impressive, of course. If I don’t look awesome, then how can someone else possibly trust that I can accomplish what I promise? Fair.  We […]


August 30, 2022

Are they impressed… or connected to you?

Sometimes businesses are built accidentally, as in the case of John Richter’s brand What started out of personal interest — and identifying a need in the existing cold water community (think Polar Bear Plunge… but in your own home daily!) — has become a burgeoning Facebook community, ecommerce, and affiliate marketing business. And, like […]

case studies

August 19, 2022

An updated website for John Richter

Sometimes I think that the best part of being a solopreneur is the complete and utter freedom to change. You start out with one idea of what you’re doing. Then you get to learn. To grow. To evolve. And then before you know it… everything has changed in all the best ways. ✨✨✨ Like many […]

case studies

August 6, 2022

A new logo for Tori Autumn

Showit, Inc blows me away! I have been enamoured with their website building software since I first laid eyes on it not too long ago (ohmygoodness it’severything I could have wished for!), so when they offered to have me over to their offices for a tour and lunch, I of course said yes! The offices are […]


July 25, 2022

A visit to Showit headquarters

As I look out at the devastation in my yard today from the insane monsoon storm last night, it struck me how much plot twist changes are simply clearing the way for something event better. When I planted that mesquite tree out there four years ago, I had idilic hopes it would shelter my yard […]


July 14, 2022

Plot twists and business

A few years ago I had a shocking revelation: Users don’t visit Testimonial pages on websites.  When a user sees the word “Testimonials” up in the menu bar, they think to themselves, “Oh, that’s nice! People like her!” Do they click the page? No.  Do they read the testimonials? No. So it sits there. Taking […]

website tips

July 13, 2022

Testimonial pages aren’t visited